You're right.
It's set to GMT and I have GMT +2 ...
What do I have to do to fix it? *feels like newbie*

Łukasz Pankowski schrieb:
> Timo Scheffler <> writes:
>> Wrong Link, here is the example:
>> #!/usr/bin/env python
>> import dbus
>> import time
>> # Wakeup in 60 seconds
>> wakeuptime=str(time.time()+60)
>> system_bus = dbus.SystemBus()
>> rtc_object = system_bus.get_object('org.freesmartphone.odeviced',
>> '/org/freesmartphone/Device/RealTimeClock/0')
>> rtc_interface = dbus.Interface(rtc_object,
>> dbus_interface='org.freesmartphone.Device.RealTimeClock')
>> rtc_interface.SetWakeupTime(wakeuptime)
> atd-over-fso works on top of org.freesmartphone.Time.Alarm
> and should be equivalent to to attached script, you will have
> stop atd-over-fso (/etc/init.d/atd stop) as the script uses its dbus
> name.  (atd-over-fso also sets rtc from time(NULL) when setting the
> alarm).
> You can set the alarm time from the console and list the alarms to
> compared displayed timestamps with "time.time()":
> $ ffalarms -s 7:00
> $ ffalarms -l
>  1240981200  Wed Apr 29 07:00:00 2009
> $ TZ=UTC ffalarms -l
>  1240981200  Wed Apr 29 05:00:00 2009
> $ ls -l /var/spool/at/
> -rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root         1320 Apr 28 21:01 
> 1240981200.ffalarms.6399
> p-w--w--w-    1 root     root            0 Apr 28 21:01 trigger
> it may be some kind of timezone problem, you may also try to set alarm
> an hour before/later to see whether this will wake up the phone.
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