Nelson Castillo wrote:
> On Sat, Jan 30, 2010 at 7:10 AM, Brolin Empey<>  wrote:
>> Hello list,
>> Yes, believe it or not, I am actually posting a message which could be
>> considered on-topic! ;)
> A small step for a man :-P

A small step for a stepwise sequencer too? ;)
>> I have had an idea for years, but have not searched to see if anyone has
>> already implemented it.
>> My idea is to have my cell phone (my FreeRunner, of course, which runs
>> QtMoko v14) dynamically generate a ringtone for incoming calls:  the
>> ringtone would be a monophonic sequence of tones or notes corresponding
>> to the sequence of digits in the calling phone number.  I think this
>> would be cool because I could identify the caller by the ringtone alone:
>>   I would not need to read the display.  The initial version could
>> hard-code the mapping of digits to notes;  a subsequent version could
>> read the mapping from a file, like Keynote does (see below).
>> Has anyone already implemented this?  Which search terms should I use to
>> get relevant results from Google Search or maybe Bing?
> We also had the Idea but I never worked on it. The idea came from a
> Friend (Marlon) after I explained him how this program worked:

“Here is the partiture for the following video: 27.pdf. You'll find the 
MP3 bellow.”

Why did you use the Spanish word “partiture” instead of the English 
term/phrase “sheet music”?  I already knew “sheet music”, but had to 
search to discover “partiture” means “sheet music”.


Why did you film the screen instead of using a program to record the 
video, such as HyperCam DX on Windows?

“if N % 2 != 0: # even number”

Unless I am missing something, that condition is true for odd numbers, 
not even numbers.  I do not write in Python, but I assume that condition 
has the same meaning as in C?

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