On Wed, 14 Apr 2010 00:54:57 +0300
Margo <keegiv...@gmail.com> wrote:

> >
> > Can you telnet or nc to localhost port 2947, i.e. either:
> >
> >  telnet localhost 2947
> > or
> >  nc localhost 2947
> >
> > and if this succeeds, type 'r' followed by enter. You should see
> > somthing like this:
> >
> > ~$ telnet localhost 2947
> > Trying ::1...
> > Trying
> > Connected to localhost.
> > Escape character is '^]'.
> > r
> > GPSD,R=1
> > $GPRMC,132008.000,A,4340.8841,N,00713.9172,E,3.60,221.79,271109,,,D*6B
> > $GPRMC,132009.000,A,4340.8829,N,00713.9156,E,7.42,221.99,271109,,,D*68
> > .
> > .
> > .
> It only says:
> GPSD,R=1

Does a simple:
  cat /dev/ttySAC1
show NMEA output?

If no, is your gps powered up?

If yes, what are the contents of /etc/default/gpsd ? 

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