On Sat, 2010-11-13 at 21:03 +0100, EdorFaus wrote:
> On 11/08/2010 11:47 PM, Timo Juhani Lindfors wrote:
> > Ed Kapitein<e...@kapitein.org>  writes:
> >> Does anyone have pointers on how to address the hardware and its
> >> registers etc?
> >> I want to write the program in C and need a starting point.
> >
> > I think you need to write kernel space code to use it since there are
> > shared resources like i2c that can not be used without proper locking
> > (just guessing here).
> I don't know wether or not that is true, but there is nevertheless a 
> good suggestion between the lines here - for a working example of how to 
> use this hardware, you can look at the driver in the Linux kernel. :)
I also think it is a good suggestion, so i will use the alsa driver for
If i have build up enough courage i might try to replace the alsa part
with something of my own. 
So far it is great fun to get it working by trial and error!

Kind regards,

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