On 05/08/2012 10:26 PM, community-requ...@lists.openmoko.org wrote:

> Hi,
> while there was discussion about hw keyboard, i was working on software 
> onscreen keyboard with simple goal: implement the best onscreen keyboard in 
> the world.
> I think i am now very close ;-) The key is to have as big buttons as 
> possible. 
> Here is picture and video of how it looks now:
> http://activationrecord.net/radekp/pub/keyboard.png
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fyN7wS66y_I
> It still needs some more work, but it's currently very usable and i am really 
> happy how it works. E.g. the video was taken with N900 in my left hand and 
> still with the SMS layout i made no mistake.
> My plan for now is to finish it up and remove all those 5!! QtMoko input 
> methods in favour of this one. I can make installable packages of the old 
> methods if anyone is interested. This should be part of v45. For v46 i can 
> try 
> to implement customizable layouts and unicode characters.
> Regards
> Radek

Hi Radek,

Thanks for this amazing step forward!

Is this work somehow available as well for the SHR distribution?

For the former Om2008.9 and now in SHR I'm using an enhanced version
which includes all Spanish tilded chars and signs like áíóéñ¡¿...
I'm attaching the keyboard file. Is yours somehow expandable as well or
could you produce a Spanish version of yours too?

Thanks in advance

Matthias Apitz
e <g...@unixarea.de> - w http://www.unixarea.de/
UNIX since V7 on PDP-11, UNIX on mainframe since ESER 1055 (IBM /370)
UNIX on x86 since SVR4.2 UnixWare 2.1.2, FreeBSD since 2.2.5
kbd 450 190

# keyboard type
# an icon for the keyboard so you know which one you have
icon qwerty.png

# added by <g...@unixarea.de> for Spanish tilde chars
# $Id: Spanish.kbd,v 1.10 2009/03/02 15:55:17 guru Exp $

key  45    0  30  30
  normal   ¿  "¿"
key  75    0  30  30
  normal   á  "á"
  capslock    Á  "Á"
key 105    0  30  30
  normal   é  "é"
  capslock    É  "É"
key 135    0  30  30
  normal   í  "í"
  capslock    Í  "Í"
key 165    0  30  30
  normal   ñ  "ñ"
  capslock    Ñ  "Ñ"
key 195    0  30  30
  normal   ó  "ó"
  capslock    Ó  "Ó"
key 225    0  30  30
  normal   ú  "ú"
  capslock    Ú  "Ú"
key 255    0  30  30
  normal   ü  "ü"
  capslock    Ü  "Ü"
key 285    0  30  30
  normal   ¡  "¡"

key   0   30  30  30
  normal   ` grave
  shift    ~ asciitilde
  capslock ` grave
key  30   30  30  30
  normal   1 1
  shift    ! exclam
  capslock 1 1
key  60   30  30  30
  normal   2 2
  shift    @ at
  capslock 2 2
key  90   30  30  30
  normal   3 3
  shift    # numbersign
  capslock 3 3
key 120   30  30  30
  normal   4 4
  shift    $ dollar
  capslock 4 4
key 150   30  30  30
  normal   5 5
  shift    % percent
  capslock 5 5
key 180   30  30  30
  normal   6 6
  shift    ^ asciicircum
  capslock 6 6
key 210   30  30  30
  normal   7 7
  shift    & ampersand
  capslock 7 7
key 240   30  30  30
  normal   8 8
  shift    * asterisk
  capslock 8 8
key 270   30  30  30
  normal   9 9
  shift    ( parenleft
  capslock 9 9
key 300   30  30  30
  normal   0 0
  shift    ) parenright
  capslock 0 0
key 330   30  30  30
  normal   - minus
  shift    _ underscore
  capslock - minus
key 360   30  30  30
  normal   = equal
  shift    + plus
  capslock = equal
key 390   30  60  30
  normal   backspace.png BackSpace

key   0  60  45  30
  normal   tab.png Tab
  shift    tab.png ISO_Left_Tab
key  45  60  30  30
  normal   q q
  shift    Q Q
  capslock Q Q
key  75  60  30  30
  normal   w w
  shift    W W
  capslock W W
key 105  60  30  30
  normal   e e
  shift    E E
  capslock E E
key 135  60  30  30
  normal   r r
  shift    R R
  capslock R R
key 165  60  30  30
  normal   t t
  shift    T T
  capslock T T
key 195  60  30  30
  normal   y y
  shift    Y Y
  capslock Y Y
key 225  60  30  30
  normal   u u
  shift    U U
  capslock U U
key 255  60  30  30
  normal   i i
  shift    I I
  capslock I I
key 285  60  30  30
  normal   o o
  shift    O O
  capslock O O
key 315  60  30  30
  normal   p p
  shift    P P
  capslock P P
key 345  60  30  30
  normal   [ bracketleft
  shift    { braceleft
  capslock [ bracketleft
key 375  60  30  30
  normal   ] bracketright
  shift    } braceright
  capslock ] bracketright
key 405  60  45  30
  normal   \ backslash
  shift    | bar
  capslock \ backslash

key   0  90  60  30
  normal   caps
  capslock CAPS
key  60  90  30  30
  normal   a a
  shift    A A
  capslock A A
key  90  90  30  30
  normal   s s
  shift    S S
  capslock S S
key 120  90  30  30
  normal   d d
  shift    D D
  capslock D D
key 150  90  30  30
  normal   f f
  shift    F F
  capslock F F
key 180  90  30  30
  normal   g g
  shift    G G
  capslock G G
key 210  90  30  30
  normal   h h
  shift    H H
  capslock H H
key 240  90  30  30
  normal   j j
  shift    J J
  capslock J J
key 270  90  30  30
  normal   k k
  shift    K K
  capslock K K
key 300  90  30  30
  normal   l l
  shift    L L
  capslock L L
key 330  90  30  30
  normal   ; semicolon
  shift    : colon
  capslock ; semicolon
key 360  90  30  30
  normal   ' apostrophe
  shift    " quotedbl
  capslock ' apostrophe
key 390  90  60  30
  normal   enter.png Return

key   0  120  75  30
  normal   shift.png
key  75  120  30  30
  normal   z z
  shift    Z Z
  capslock Z Z
key 105  120  30  30
  normal   x x
  shift    X X
  capslock X X
key 135  120  30  30
  normal   c c
  shift    C C
  capslock C C
key 165  120  30  30
  normal   v v
  shift    V V
  capslock V V
key 195  120  30  30
  normal   b b
  shift    B B
  capslock B B
key 225  120  30  30
  normal   n n
  shift    N N
  capslock N N
key 255  120  30  30
  normal   m m
  shift    M M
  capslock M M
key 285  120  30  30
  normal   , comma
  shift    < less
  capslock , comma
key 315  120  30  30
  normal   . period
  shift    > greater
  capslock . period
key 345  120  30  30
  normal   / slash
  shift    ? question
  capslock / slash
key 375  120  30  30
  normal   ins Insert
key 405  120  35  30
  normal   del Delete

key   0 150  30  30
  normal   ctrl
key  30 150  30  30
  normal   alt
key  60 150 120  30
  normal   space space
key 180 150  30  30
  normal   left.png Left
key 210 150  30  30
  normal   right.png Right
key 240 150  30  30
  normal   up.png Up
key 270 150  30  30
  normal   down.png Down
key 300 150  30  30
  normal   pu Prior
key 330 150  30  30
  normal   pd Next
key 360 150  30  30
  normal   hm Home
key 390 150  30  30
  normal   en End
key 420 150  30  30
  normal   es Escape
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