Tried to use Qx, installed xglamo, and got only trouble:

Lauching xterm gives "press AUX to leave" in the middle,
takes some time, then a terminal in the middle.
But no keyboard to enter anything.
The done button still visible, but does not work.
Only way to get rid of it is using AUX twice and stop instead of resume.

Anybody out who has a useful application for Qx?

xclock works, but overlaps with the top status line.

Trying a python script (xgps) just shows the boot console output
for a while, then a message tells that Qx terminated due to application error.
Starting Qx from the command line then give the reason for fail.

Seems to me that Qx is nothing for normal use,
only for debug, and thus should be removed from
the normal applist and go either to the system debug menu,
or should be, even better, started from the command line only
to see the error messages that are likely to occur.


Rainer Glaschick, Paderborn, Germany

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