On Monday, April 22, 2013 09:11:29 PM Neil Jerram wrote:

> What X server and config are you using?
> With Xfbdev, I find that I don't have mouse/touchscreen input at all.
> With Xorg, I do have mouse/touchscreen input, using evdev, but it's
> quite inaccurate and jumpy.

last time i tried it yesterday. Got the same issue with Xfbdev and Xorg.

I wonder what happened with xserver-xorg-input-tslib for wheezy - it looks the 
package is missing:


Maybe after installing it from sid it would work better. I also think that we 
need some touchscreen filtering - maybe use the filters from 2.6.28 
Freerunner's image - they were really good. You can try compare Freerunner 
touschreen and GTA04 touchscreen and you'll notice how much better Freerunner 
is now.


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