Hello, community! I'd like to start discussion about how we communicate our presence to the external world. Recent threads showed that there's some need to think about it.
I know this community consists rather of smart, technical geeks who don't want to lower themselves into stinky marketing world. I truly understand that :) But unfortunately, we need money and it's now clear that this small community is not enough to get each of our dreams to come true. I'd like to start this discussion with GTA04 website. While I appreciate current webpage for being very informative for someone who already know what's going on in this project, I think it sucks as our "business card". When this page is the first thing someone new sees about GTA04, he or she we'll be confused and probably won't understand a lot. Even if he/she is not our target, it's bad, because if she/he has at least some impression about what this project is about, he/she can recommend it to some geeky friend or use it as some small talk topic. On the other hand, we cannot oversimplify our page. We were always targeting to people with some technical background, who generally prefer to get straight to the point instead of going through tons of advertising eye-candy bullshit. I've seen website proposition from Slyon: http://slyon.de/gta04/index.old.php I've also created quick draft by myself: http://dosowisko.net/gta04/ And of course there's the current one: http://gta04.org/ I'd like all of you to point out good and bad parts of each of them, so maybe we'll be able to create something that's rock solid for our needs. Keep in mind that my proposition is just a quick draft, it even uses default Bootstrap theme which we probably would like to adjust a bit to our needs (branding colors, some mentions about Golden Delicious and stuff like that). Content is not final too - there are probably some grammar errors and maybe even some misinformation (I wasn't really active in community for some time recently, so it's possible that I missed something). Maybe some things aren't even worth mentioning and there should be something else instead - go on with suggestions, it's nowhere near final now. And well, maybe even we'll decide that there's no point in trying to get more people into GTA04 now. Maybe redesigning it to fit N900 case will get popular in the community and it'll be better idea to start "campaign" together with this "new phone". Or some other idea will come up. I trust this community. I'm still using my Freerunner, but unfortunately I'm more and more tired with it. I decided to start saving for some new phone and I want it to be OpenPhoenux device, be it GTA04 or anything new. Please, don't let this awesome project die! I'm still convinced that we can succeed. Would you like to try helping me help you help us all? :) -- Sebastian Krzyszkowiak, dos http://dosowisko.net/ _______________________________________________ Openmoko community mailing list community@lists.openmoko.org http://lists.openmoko.org/mailman/listinfo/community