

A greatly needed ability with SmarterMail is SMS. Whether the capability
falls within parameters of what you are hoping to do or if such development
needs be done by SmarterTools, SMS is becoming a much sought after method of
communication. It makes sense. 


Outlook on Exchange will send text messages.


It has been too long in coming but the SM V.14.x capability to add Google
Drive, One Drive and Dropbox is another welcome functionality. It would also
be welcome to provide a capability to retrieve from Own Cloud or ShareFile
or virtually any storage point in order to send links to content.


Martin Margheim

Independent PC Consultant

 <mailto:ad...@kodot.com> ad...@kodot.com





From: community@mailsbestfriend.com [mailto:community@mailsbestfriend.com]
On Behalf Of David Barker
Sent: Thursday, July 23, 2015 12:01 PM
To: community@mailsbestfriend.com
Subject: [MBF] Re: Utilities


MBF is considering creating some utilities (small programs/scripts) that
would help Mail Administrators achieve a specific task/s.  We have a
developer available to us which we can use for this purpose and are looking
for some ideas on what may be useful to you.  We are not looking to create a
complex application but perhaps if you share some of what you have
difficulty doing, something that you think a script could help you achieve,
we would like to hear about it. 

David Barker
Mail's Best Friend

Email     :  <mailto:david.bar...@mailsbestfriend.com>
Web      :  <http://www.mailsbestfriend.com/> www.mailsbestfriend.com
Office    : 866.919.2075



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