Hi again,

some thoughts about a „pyraPhone“:

Yeah, the cores should limited on 1ghz. maybe with manual switch to 1.5 / when 
connected to power cord.
As UI e17 or KDE Plasma mobile or even Sailfish OS.
A pyraPhone should be also have connectors for additional hardware like the 
moto z / original jolla phone - so it doesn’t need a slider keyboard build in 
for example: it could be added later.

i think after the librem 5 crowdfunding it is difficult to get enough backers. 
But with the experience/references it would be possible - even more after the 
pyra is released!


> Am 24.10.2017 um 21:46 schrieb H. Nikolaus Schaller <h...@goldelico.com>:
> Hi,
>> Am 24.10.2017 um 20:43 schrieb Matthias Weiß <i...@codeandcreate.de>:
>> Hello, 
>> i also backed on one. 
>> I like the cooperation with gnome/kde projects and the focus on matrix. 
> Yes, this are important steps.
> Gnome/KDE could theoretically just be some
>       apt-get install gnome
> on the GTA04. I never had the idea to try:)
> Probably it will be a little slow and more importantly the applications and 
> widgets
> are not optimized for the portrait screen format and rather low pixel density.
> So it will be almost impossible to operate. Unless someone is heavily 
> modifying
> the code. That seems to be the case with the KDE/Gnome & Purism partnership 
> that
> they now start to do something.
>> With a i.MX 8 / 3GB RAM it has also enough power to run most applications 
>> with desktop features 
> Do you need 3GB for a typical desktops?
>> (for example with external display or just if i want a full 
>> firefox/libreoffice like on ubtouch/libertine).
> Ok, Web rendering nowadays eats memory faster than you can provide it :)
>> Also the kill switches and the „external modem“ are nice promised features.
> Indeed.
> Although I have significant doubt that they have any effect or use case.
> Sometimes you want to make a phone call and then you have to switch them on
> and rogue software could have waited for that moment.
> A better strategy is to harden the user space and use only encrypted 
> communication channels.
> Then it is of much less importance what peripherals are doing or not doing.
> Anyways, you never have a kill-switch for eavesdropping in the network or on 
> your
> peer's end. So I don't see the biggest risk in the remaining BLOBs of our 
> GTA0x smartphones.
> BTW: we always had "external modems" starting from GTA01... So it is nothing
> new for the Librem 5 although it seems to be perceived that way.
>> But indeed i liked it more with the gta04 form factor ;)
>> The gta04 has (for me) just not enough power; 
>> if it would based for example on the pyra boards i had backed/brought a 
>> „gtaPyra“ rather than on the Librem 5.
> A Pyra-Phone :) Nice idea!
> After thinking some minutes, I came to the conclusion that it is not 
> impossible.
> It seems to be doable. Probably even earlier than the Librem 5 since almost 
> all
> components are tested and designed in for the Pyra. And some are even in 
> production
> stock. So it is just a redesign of the PCB by thinning out unneeded parts 
> (e.g. keyboard
> matrix) and rearranging all components so that the form factor fits. It would 
> be
> a stripped-down and simplified Pyra in new shape.
> But it will be:
> * big (est. 150 x 66 x 15 mm) - more a Phablet with 5 inch screen
> * ugly compared to modern phones (we can only build something styled similar 
> to an Openmoko - unless a really talented industrial designer helps)
> * not 100% blob free (you still need one for GPU, WiFi and Bluetooth, but not 
> for LTE or doing voice calls)
> * no (mechanical) kill switches
> * gets much hotter than a GTA04 and CPU clock must be limited
> On the other hand it could even get 4 GB of RAM, 32 GB eMMC, multiple USB 
> (host) and µSD ports.
> A good side-effect could be that it simply shares the kernel/user-space 
> software of the Letux OS
> with the GTA04, OpenPandora and Pyra.
> I.e. new hardware for Replicant and QtMoko seem to be possible.
> And all that mid of 2018 if we started tomorrow...
> Nice dream :) Anyone sharing such dreams?
> But we would also need a budget to do that. Not 2 Mio USD, but a significant 
> portion
> to do the development of electronics (easy) and plastics case (expensive).
> The question is if there is anyone still interested to invest into a 
> Pyra-Phone
> after the Librem 5 did an excellent marketing job and has drained the pockets 
> of the
> FLOSS community.
> Opinions?
> BR,
> Nikolaus
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