Hi, all,

As the Quakers say, I'm holding community garden
friends in New York, Toronto and other affected cities
in the light through the blackout.

Well, one bright spot, community gardens can show
their worth as a source of food - and as a place where
people can link up in a crisis.

I fondly remember the last huge blackout in New York,
back in '77, when I was a kid from California
backpacking around. My girlfriend, a fellow traveler
from Denmark, and I put the darkness to very good use.
You never know what good can come from a crisis...

I did hear that the Iraqis are sympathetic if not
overly worried, since this is a mild dose of what they
have been living with over the summer, only Baghdad
temps are 20 Farenheit degrees _hotter_ than NYC, if
you can imagine, in the 120 range! (pushing 50 C). On
NPR, a reporter passed along some of their helpful
hints, like wrapping up in wet sheets and sleeping on
the roof. And forget living in tall buildings...

Hang in there. I'd ask our local power company, Duke
Power, to send some help, but we all remember what
happened when they 'helped' California a couple years
back. We're still enjoying the fallout from that.
What's that Arnie says, 'Have a nice day...'?

Don Boekelheide
(sympathetic in) Charlotte, NC

PS do check out Mars, it is amazing. In the
southeastern sky about 9-10 PM. Should be a great view
without the city lights.

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