Flowers, friends, fun

Project aims to beautify city spots.

Donna Jackel
Staff writer

It may have felt like the first nip of winter Saturday, but people from all 
over Rochester were busy planning ahead for spring.

It was the eighth annual Rochester Blooms!, a one-day beautification event in 
which local groups plant bulbs and pansies in public places. The project is 
part of the city's Flower City Looking Good Gardening Program, which offers 
dozens of events to beautify Rochester through gardening. 
Volunteers picked up their flowers at the Parks Administration Building on 
Dewey Avenue. Terry McEntee, horticultural technician for the city's Department 
of Parks, Recreation and Human Services, coordinated the event. 

"The program is about a lot more than flowers," she said. "While they are 
gardening, people get to know each other. It strengthens the community."

McEntee readies the soil at all the public garden areas so the volunteers 
just have to do the planting. 

The city sets aside $5,000 to $10,000 a year for the Looking Good program, 
McEntee said. In the spring, perennials and annuals are planted; in the fall, 
bulbs and pansies. 

Tracy Saville picked up 225 tulip bulbs on behalf of the Business Association 
of South Wedge, of which he is a member.

The tulips will be planted in Star Alley, a new green space on South Avenue. 

In the spring, the city provided lilac bushes and perennials for the park. "T
he city has worked closely with us to establish this green space," Saville 
said. "Knowing that the city is committed to the spot (has encouraged) 
to bring flowers to plant from their own gardens." 

The event traditionally attracts a good turnout. Forty groups participated 
Saturday, McEntee said.

Delores Kelly was among those who came to collect bulbs for planting in 
community gardens. For six years, she and family members have tended a garden 
Bauman and Dayton streets in northeast Rochester. She also helps tend a garden 
in Pulaski Park. "I just love playing in the dirt," said the 53-year-old. "It 
brings out the kid in me." 


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