
I think Eric has made a good point on: 
"There are some finer points in grammar which specifically pertain to the Quran 
which for example sometimes makes a general rule not entirely true.."

I think it would be a valuable effort to capture such instances in the Qur'an 
including Gender disagreement among others.

I guess investigation should go beyond grammar books to books on 'the science 
of tafsir' [علم التفسير] where such cases of overriding general arabic grammar 
are explained in detail. 

Another dimension for research is to record the grammatical variations of 
Quranic Arabic based on various 'readings' [القراءات العشر] of the Qur'an. QAC 
currently focusing on the reading of 'Hafs from A'asim' when analyzing grammar 
structure, but there could be a future track to include other 7/10 different 

best regards,

Abdul-Baquee M. Sharaf
PhD Student
Language Technologies Group
School of Computing
University of Leeds
From: comp-quran-requ...@comp.leeds.ac.uk [comp-quran-requ...@comp.leeds.ac.uk] 
On Behalf Of Eric van Lit [fifkik...@hotmail.com]
Sent: 11 April 2010 22:32
To: comp-quran@comp.leeds.ac.uk
Subject: RE: Would you like to write a brief summary of a key topic in Quranic  
Arabic grammar?

It's a good idea but I think there should at least be a citation to a source, 
for the readers to be able to double-check what it means. Authoritative sources 
in Western languages are Wright's "A Grammar of the Arabic Language" and 
Fisher's "Grammatik des klassischen Arabisch". Or it should at least be 
double-checked before publication.

There are some finer points in grammar which specifically pertain to the Quran 
which for example sometimes makes a general rule not entirely true and one of 
such is actually the gender. This page states that non-human plurals always 
take feminine singual for adjectives, but this is not ALWAYS the case in the 
Quran. Example:


وَلَقَدْ أَنزَلْنَا إِلَيْكُمْ آيَاتٍ مُّبَيِّنَاتٍ

Here we see "verses", a non-human plural, taking "clear" in feminine plural. 
According to Classical Arabic grammar it should be: آيات مبينة

I also have never heard of words that behave neither masculine nor feminine in 
Arabic. This page claims that they exist (the example given is 'chairs') but 
then contradicts itself in using 'chairs' as a masculine plural at the end. The 
distinction the page makes is between 'semantic gender' and 'grammatical 
gender' but I doubt if Arabic really has this distinction. For example, the 
word ملائكة is semantically masculine plural and is as such grammatically 
treated, while this page gives the false impression it is only 'semantically 

I did not investigate this issue further (I will, but not now) so if anyone has 
something to say on it, please do.

Kind regards,
M.A. student Islamic Studies
McGill University, Montreal

> Date: Sun, 11 Apr 2010 11:01:40 +0100
> Subject: Would you like to write a brief summary of a key topic in Quranic 
> Arabic grammar?
> From: k...@kaisdukes.com
> To: comp-quran@comp.leeds.ac.uk
> Salamu Alaykum,
> Hello All. We are hoping to soon release a new version of the Quranic
> Arabic Corpus (version 0.21). Major highlights in this release include
> an extended treebank, improved linguistic annotation, and the first
> version of pronoun resolution for key chapters of the Quran. An
> informal list of new planned features here can be found here:
> http://kaisdukes.wordpress.com/category/quranic-arabic-corpus.
> As! part of this release, we would really like to see the grammar
> documentation section extended. These online annotation guidelines are
> useful not only to ensure consistency in the word-by-word grammar
> pages, but also allow new visitors of the site to get an overview of
> key topics. We would like to extend an open invitation for submissions
> to the annotation guidelines. Would you be interested in putting
> together a brief 1 or 2 page write-up on a particular topic in Quranic
> grammar? For example, here is an interesting page on gender:
> http://corpus.quran.com/documentation/gender.jsp
> Here is another example page, on the different semantic usages of the
> prefix alif in the Quran:
> http://corpus.quran.com/documentation/particlealif.jsp
> If you have a small amount of time, it would be great to get a write
> up on an interesting topic! Some ideas for this (but not lim! ited to):
> - An explanation of Arabic roots for beginners (trilateral and
> quadrilateral radicals)
> - Brief summary of Arabic verb patterns (wazn and masdar)
> - A table explaining verb forms I to XII (we annotate these forms on
> the corpus, but we don't have any documentation on them online)
> - The difference between harf tafseer and harf madsadree
> It would be great for others with knowledge on these topics to
> contribute even a little bit to this. Feel free to submit a write up
> to me directly: k...@kaisdukes.com
> You don’t even have to write up something too long. Even a couple of
> paragraphs on a key topic would be great, although a strong preference
> is for submissions to include references to well-accepted literature.
> Don’t feel limited to the above topics; anything is more than welcome.
> We can also extend the existing documentation pages here! :
> http://corpus.quran.com/documentation/grammar.jsp, so feel fr! ee to
> include new notes on an existing topic as well. If you feel like
> writing something, please drop me an e-mail, and we can talk about it
> further. Looking forward to hearing from you!
> Kind Regards,
> -- Kais Dukes
> Language Research Group
> School of Computing
> University of Leeds
> http://www.kaisdukes.com - Kais Dukes
> http://corpus.quran.com - The Quranic Arabic Corpus

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