
Ahmed if you are trying to parse Quranic Corpus Xml file ,i think nltk
is not the library needed

you need an xml parser like elementtree
and a text parser like pyparsing
you need also to read about quranic corpus morphology syntax

i am working on a python api for Quranic Corpus , but not ready to publish

you need an

2010/5/24, Kais Dukes <>:
> Salam Ahmed,
> I don't know much about python. But I have forwarded your e-mail to the
> comp-quran mailing list, Inshallah someone will be able to help you!
> w/salam,
> -- Kais
> -------------------------------------------
> From: Ahmed
> Salem[<>
> ]
> Sent: Sunday, May 23, 2010 11:51:43 PM
> To: Kais Dukes;
> Subject: Python with Quranic Arabic Corpus Help
> Auto forwarded by a Rule
> Salmo alikom
> Hi kais,
> I'm student and now i trying to build Quranic Arabic  search program with
> python and Quran Corpus but i'm beginer at python and nltk
> I work on Quran corpus  at the link<> which
> build on that format
> # Format: <chapter> | <verse> | <word> | <token> | <part-of-speech>
> Now  i need your help in finding all verse in selected chapter then all word
> in selected (chapter,word)
> i start to seprate them with code like
> path ='D:\\quran\quranic-corpus-text-0.1.txt')
> ar = {}
> arabic, encoding='utf-8')
> line = arabic.readline()
> while line!='':
>    tmp = line.splitlines('|')
>    ch= tmp[0]
>    v = tmp[1]
>    txt=tmp[2]
>    kkk=ch.strib()+":"+v.strib()
>    ar[kkk]=txt.strib()
>    line = arabic.readline()
> arabic.close()
> but that way can't work yet also i think there are another easy way to do
> that so if you can please help or advice
> Thanks,
> --
> Ahmed Salem Resume<>
> MUFIX Community<>
> Mobile : +2 (018) 23 79 073

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