Versaterm and Versaterm_Link were what I used on a Mac+ when it was arpanet.
Synergy Software, and that might be misspelled. I donno if they're still in business of if the software is now public but I probably still have it around here. -- --> From the U S of A, the only socialist country that refuses to admit it. <-- -- Compact Macs is sponsored by <>. Support Low End Mac <> Compact Macs list info: <> --> AOL users, remove "mailto:" Send list messages to: <> To unsubscribe, email: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> For digest mode, email: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subscription questions: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Archive:<> --------------------------------------------------------------- iPod Accessories for Less at 1-800-iPOD.COM Fast Delivery, Low Price, Good Deal ---------------------------------------------------------------