Fans of 680x0 Macs, we've successfully launched our first two email lists using Google Groups - one for Macintel models and one for the Mac mini.
As of this afternoon, we've turned off our three "Maclone" lists, which have also transitioned to Google Groups. Advantages: You can browse messages online, where they are threaded. You can manage your subscription yourself. Lots more room for the archive. And Google Groups doesn't automatically include your email address in your postings. Today we begin moving Compact Macs, Vintage Macs, and Quadlist to Google Groups. Google Groups will not replace the current lists until early next week, but I wanted to give everyone a chance to subscribe. To join the list and set your mode (single messages, digest, etc.), point your browser to When the list goes live, [EMAIL PROTECTED] will be the posting address. I'm updating the Vintage Macs List FAQ to reflect these changes. I look forward to seeing most of you there next week. Dan Knight, listmom -- Compact Macs is sponsored by <>. Support Low End Mac <> Compact Macs list info: <> --> AOL users, remove "mailto:" Send list messages to: <> To unsubscribe, email: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> For digest mode, email: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subscription questions: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Archive:<> --------------------------------------------------------------- iPod Accessories for Less at 1-800-iPOD.COM Fast Delivery, Low Price, Good Deal ---------------------------------------------------------------