Another interesting question would be the score (eg. territorry) that
black/white can reach assuming "perfect" play on both sides. If we knew
that, a perfectly fair komi could be calculated. From what I know, even
chess is still unsolved conserning this matter - noone knows if white (or
even black) can force a win.


Such a Komi would not be fairer than the current one. If a perfect player would win with 15 points. Should the komi be increased to 15 points, although humans can not realize this advantage and there would a much higher winning-rate for white? The most fair decisiion is that the Komi brings the winning chances in practical play as close to 50% as possible. One could compute the black advantage from a big games database and set then the Komi to the mean value. This is much simpler than solvint the game and also fairer than some theoretical limit which is irrelevant for human-human play. It would be interesting if the empirical Komi depends on the playing strength. I would assume,that the tempo of Black is worth more for strong players. But there is on the other side the law of the balance of stupity. Also white loosed due too his lack of skills tempo/sente and the net effect is for all playing levels the same. Monte-Carlo Go is based on this law.

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