Does Japanese rules make any difference in what komi to use?

- Don

On Thu, 2007-04-05 at 09:15 +0900, Darren Cook wrote:
> > Here are the results (wins for black):
> > komi 6.5:
> > 1943/3640 (53%)
> > komi 7.5
> > 1754/3640 (48%)
> This is an interesting result, on one of my favourite topics. I've spent
> a lot of time analyzing 9x9 games by very strong/pro players in detail
> and decided correct komi is probably either 6 or 7 points. Give me a few
> more years and I may be able to narrow that down :-).
> Professionals in Japan play 9x9 using 6.5 komi, after moving from 5.5pt
> komi. (I know practically nothing about 9x9 professional games in
> China/Korea, and would welcome any leads.)
> As an aside, I've noticed the monte carlo 9x9 programs play a weak
> opening then make up for it later. It'd be interesting to see the komi
> study using a full-strength version of Mogo and using an opening book
> (ideally with results split by first move).
> Darren

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