On Mon, 2007-07-09 at 12:46 -0400, Joshua Shriver wrote:
> Ok found some KGS games, and they make a lot more sense. With the
> specification I can see what all of the OT, AP, TM, FF, etc commads
> are. However I don't understand the way it sets the location, so far
> nothing I've seen describes it.
> ;B[kr]  for example.
> I thought Go boards used A..x 1..y notation. Perhaps I'm wrong.

SGF uses a different coordinate system (making it easier to make
mistakes ...) It is all in the Fine Manual:
Read it.

SGF is surprisingly easy to parse; the only "special" tokens the parser
needs to recognize are ()[]; ( \n and newline escaping add some
complexity, but can _initially_ be ignored.) 

> -Josh
> On 7/9/07, Joshua Shriver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Do you have a good example of a regular Go game in sgf?
> > A lot of the examples I found on the SGF spec site seem confusing, and
> > not sure if they're even for Go or backgammon, etc.

Ignore everything except for GM[1] (= go), and the generic part.

For simple sgf, (without variations or game collections) you can create
a parser in a few hours. This will probably include reading the manual
and understanding the format, too.


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