I played quite a few games with Mogo to recognizing the game pattern. I'm one 
or two levels higher than Mogo in 19X19. For the first 15 moves or so Mogo 
playing moves in the center(except the database forced plays in the corner). 
Probably its search concluded the center is the best place to surround 
territory. Once center is covered, Mogo begin to play attack moves. Probably 
its search concluded that from now on simply covering the territory won't lead 
to win.?For human players this point is started somewhat earlier. Up to now and 
in next few moves Mogo didn't show marked weakness. However, one major weakness 
shows up in moves following. It always try to kill a weak group. Good Go 
players all know that the?attack is not always (in most cases it's not) to kill 
that group. Mogo is so obsessed with the?killing effort, it often left several 
weaknesses in its position. I wonder what search mechanism biased Mogo towards 
such a behavior?

I used a AMD 1.6GHz Turino dual core and the windows version of Mogo. At the 
end of game Mogo's time used is about an hour. I set 30 second playing time, 
but often it takes up to couple minutes for a move. It's ok, I would like it to 
think longer to come up better moves.


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