In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Christoph Birk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes

On Mar 26, 2008, at 12:32 AM, Olivier Teytaud wrote:
... is room for improvement. But 19x19 is something else, perhaps we

can have the Dan, but I'm not sure of that in spite of the gentle words of
Catalin, and I'm sure the current
mogo can't win against a professionnal player in 19x19 whenever we
have the best cluster in the world, and whenever the professionnal player
is both ill and a bit drunk :-)

By reaching 1-dan (amateur) you would have received
1 M$ a few year ago from Mr. Ing.

No, the million-dollar prize was for winning a match against inseis - young trainee professionals, about amateur 6-dan.

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