I just looked at this position and it looks like a win for black in the
first position.  Many Faces evaluates it as a win for black, and plays c1 to
save the lower left black group with almost no thinking time.

Mogo is correct because the lower left black group is not dead.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:computer-go-
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Matthew Woodcraft
> Sent: Sunday, March 09, 2008 11:49 AM
> To: computer-go
> Subject: [computer-go] Life and Death
> I've included two 13x13 positions below. In both positions it is
> Black's
> move.
> The first position is simplified from a real game. Black has two
> enclosed dead groups, and White has a small but easy win.
> The second position is a modified version of the first in which the
> dead
> groups are more obviously dead.
> If I try MogoRelease3 playing as Black on position 2, it shows a 20%
> score and resigns either immediately or after a couple of moves.
> If I try it on position 1, it shows a score of 70%+ for Black, and
> continues to play until White takes steps to remove the dead groups
> from
> the board. I've tested with up to 2^24 playouts.
> I have tried increasing --collectorLimitTreeSize and --limitTreeSize
> (like bigMogo in the scalability study), but I can't set them much
> higher than the default on this machine without running out of memory.
> I'd be interested to see if someone with a bigger computer can find out
> what resources it needs to judge this position well, and to see how
> other engines do.
> Position 1
> (;GM[1]FF[4]
> CA[UTF-8]
> SZ[13]
> HA[0]
> KM[0.5]
> AB[jb:kb][cb:cc][kc][bd:cd][jd:ld][be][he][cf:df][bg][gb:gh]
> [ig:ih][jh:kh][eg:ei][li][aj:bj][hi:hj][lk][al][ck:cl][ji:jl]
> [dm][im]
> AW[ia:ja][ib][hc:jc][db:dd][hd:id][ce:de][ie][ke:le][bf][hf:jf]
> [lf][jg:kg][mg][lh][ai:di][gi][mi][cj][ej:gj][ij][dk:fk][hk:ik]
> [dl][il][bm][fl:fm][hm]
> )
> Position 2
> (;GM[1]FF[4]
> CA[UTF-8]
> SZ[13]
> HA[0]
> KM[0.5]
> AB[jb:mb][cb:cc][kc][bd:cd][jd:md][be][he][cf:df][bg][gb:gh]
> [ig:ih][jh:kh][eg:ei][li][aj:bj][hi:hj][bk:ck][lk][al][cl]
> [ji:jl][im]
> AW[ia:la][ib][hc:jc][mc][db:dd][hd:id][ce:de][ie][ke:le][bf]
> [hf:jf][lf][jg:kg][mg][lh][ai:di][gi][mi][cj][ej:gj][ij][dk:fk]
> [hk:ik][dl][fl][il][bm:cm][em:fm][hm]
> )
> -M-
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