On Sat, 2008-05-10 at 20:23 -0700, Carter Cheng wrote:

> 3) Also thanks for the links. I have taken a look at some of the code. I am 
> not sure I will be writing in Java or D and most likely will be implementing 
> the system in something like C++. I am worried about Java's speed since it's 
> interpreted (which still means a x2 slowdown even with the JIT and Hotspot 
> compilation and selective inlining). D I am just not too familiar with I am 
> wondering what advantages it brings over C++. I am primarily concerned about 
> maturity issues. I am not trying to start a discussion on which language is 
> "better", but those are my initial impressions.

I think Java's speed has come a long way and is now close to comparable
to C++.  I had gotten interested in D back when it was initially
discussed on this list.  One described it as C++ without the warts.
When I switched from a classical alpha-beta bot to monte carlo, I also
switched from C++ to D.  In theory, it should be as fast as C++ because
it's compiled to machine language, but in practice that's not true...
The compilers are not mature yet.  Additionally, it's Mac and 64 bit
support is limited.

<marketing for D language>
D has some really cool features that I've taken advantage of with my
* Greatly simplified generic coding
* Builtin function objects (called delegates)
* Design by contract
* Built in unit testing
* Foreach / no iterators

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