> It does not change the fact MoGo was developped by the programmers.  
> And the fact the programmers spent many resources, like the people 
> fighting at Beijing right now, to develop MoGo.

And Kim was developed by his parents, his go teachers, go books, and
each opponent he has played against and learnt something from. But when
the game starts each is on his own, and you are just left with a human
with knowledge, and a machine with knowledge.

>>> I'm afraid it may raise unnecessary emotional thoughts of against 
>>> computers among people.
>> People like that will get emotional whichever words you use.
> Don't you think it cannot be changed or, at least, improved? 

Yes, you should have it play across a board using this android to play
the moves:

It should smile sweetly, and flutter its eyelids across the board every
now and again.

(In case anyone says I forgot the smiley, I'm being serious: people will
mind losing less to a pretty machine than losing to a cube of metal;
just as an elderly man would rather the above android helps them to the
toilet than something that looks R2-D2.)


Darren Cook, Software Researcher/Developer
http://dcook.org/mlsn/ (English-Japanese-German-Chinese-Arabic
                        open source dictionary/semantic network)
http://dcook.org/work/ (About me and my work)
http://darrendev.blogspot.com/ (blog on php, flash, i18n, linux, ...)
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