On 13-aug-08, at 00:18, David Fotland wrote:

I don't know that joseki knowledge mad Many Faces stronger. Go Intellect always used to turn off the joseki libraries in tournaments against Many Faces, since it had a better win rate if it avoided joseki moves. I suppose
that's some evidence that joseki knowledge helps.

I think that's not exactly right. Joseki's may help. But another important feature of joseki is it makes the game a lot shorter. Since both sides potentially are going to agree on a long line of play, the whole joseki becomes as if it's one choice. If you play a weaker opponent, your chances improve as the game becomes longer. If I remember well this was exactly the reason Ken Chen sometimes turned joseki off, because he thought the contribution of strength of the joseki was smaller than the longer game-length against opponents he perceived weaker. Against Goliath he turned joseki on, for exactly the same reason.

So if anything this is an argument against josekis, apparently it doesn't really add much strength. Against people they helped. But probably also because it helped make the game shorter against what was by then almost by defintition a stronger opponent. And it made people think better of the programs if they saw it play well-known joseki.


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