O Meien 9dan wrote a short column about FIT2008 event.
Title is "Kanpai monte-carlo".
Kanpai means "Cheers!" and another meaning is "complete defeat".
(Maybe he uses this from old Japanese hit song "monte-carlo de kanpai".)

Content is
 He has thought abstract "Area" is important for computer Go.
 Crazy Stone was strong in Yose.
 If you play 8 handicaps in 19x19, 2 handicaps is proper in 9x9.
 He thought no komi and playing with white was easy win for him.
 Afeter 19x19, he thought Crazy Stone was amateur 3dan, but
  after 9x9, he felt Crazy Stone still had hidden power.
 Go strength is mainly from close fight. Computers are still weak
  in 19x19, but maybe it is because computers does not know how to
  handle it. They have power, some techniques will be needed.
 Many Go players think top pro never lose to computer within 50 years,
  but it is maybe too optimistic. X day may come within 10 years.

"Kanpai monte-carlo" (in Japanese)
Machine trasnlation

Hiroshi Yamashita

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