On Sat, 2008-10-11 at 13:34 -0500, Zach Wegner wrote:
> >  11.  When selecting moves to play in the actual game (not playouts)
> > superko is checked and forbidden.
> That's fine for this spec, but I don't do this and don't plan on it.

You don't have to do it,  it's just a provision to allow your bot to
play legal games.   The tester probably won't require it since it will
just be looking for statistics from specified (random) positions.  

A more comprehensive test is to play games with these reference bots and
check to see if any are straying too far from 50% scores against the
others.    Your program could still participate, although it would
probably lose slightly more than the others due to the occasionally
superko loss.   Hopefully, this comprehensive tester could identify just
from the game statistics that something is wrong.

- Don

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