On Thu, 2008-11-27 at 02:05 -0800, Dave Dyer wrote:
> At 01:52 AM 11/27/2008, Denis fidaali wrote:
> ...
> > But what really lacks (or i wasn't able to find anyway) is a strong 
> > community like there is for go.
> >
> > A CGOS equivalent.
> > A GTP equivalent.
> > A Gogui equivalent.
> > A Kgs equivalent.
> I don't think there's a match between your goals and what boardspace 
> wants, but you ought to discuss cloning and adapting CGOS/GTP for
> Hex with Don.

It would be simple to adapt CGOS for hex.   CGOS consists of the server
stuff, which would change very little,  and a single class that defines
the game.   The class that defines the game would be completely

I wrote the initial CGOS prototype in one long work day,  but I already
had the class available that knows the rules of the game and thus
defines the rules and such.     Since I'm not familiar with Hex, writing
this class would probably constitute 90% of the work.    I would
probably be better off spending some time first getting familiar with
the game, how it's notated and so on.   There is also the swap rule
which seems a little non-standard (there are a couple of variations on
how to do this from what I understand.)   

As much as I love this kind of programming,  my time is in short supply
as I have to make a living.     I suggest that someone familiar with tcl
take a look at the server code which is freely available on sourceforge
and modify it accordingly if you want such a thing.   

Another possibility is that if someone were interested enough to pay me
for this,  I would be delighted.    It would be very useful to have an
existing bot playing program available and it would make sense to use a
very GTP like protocol since that is familiar and works well.    So
there is already work needed to populate a server with something that
works.    I could probably hack up a very weak playing reference bot in
short time.    I wonder if Monte Carlo methods make any sense here?

- Don

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