On Thu, Apr 2, 2009 at 5:14 AM,  <w...@swcp.com> wrote:
> Isaac,
> I implemented about 6 way to track liberties,
> a couple years ago, and measured the running
> performance, and by far the best is also the
> simplest: keep an array of liberties for each
> chain, and do a simple linear search.
> This may seem slow, but it has a couple real
> advantages. First, it works with the cache
> to maximize locality. Second it is very simple.

This is what I do too. I never bothered with bit-arrays but possibly
that's simply because I fail to see how you can merge two chains and
count liberties in O(1).

You can find my implementation in the reference-bots I made. The file
that counts liberties (and does a bit of other house-keeping) is here:


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