Jim O'Flaherty wrote:
>That said, it means that one "MC" program might be using it's power much 
>more effectively (require substantially less CPU cycles to produce a 
>similarly skilled result) than another, even though both assert they are 
>Perhaps it would be better said that a Go program has an MC 
>characteristic rather than saying it is an MC program; association 
>versus identity.

Human players use reading (yomi) and feeling (kankaku) to play Go.
In MC programs, I think the reading is equivalent to UCT, and the feeling
is equivalent to playouts. The reading is scalable, the feeling is not.
If 2 programs have the playout algorithms of same level, The one which
used more CPU power should win. But what happens if their level of the
playout algorithm were different?  Maybe this is the main reason why Zen
could beat Fuego. (The game against MoGo was lucky, not good example.)

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