Have you looked at scala yet?    I don't understand Erlang performance but
scala gives you something higher level than Java or C  and same performance
as Java, which for most long running applications is pretty close to C
performance.    I'm currently taking a look at it - I'm always on the
lookout for a good high level language with good performance.

The thing about C for me is that it always works and it always works
well.    I don't have a big gripe with java performance for most tasks,
but it seems that when you write games like chess and go you invariably end
up needing serious control over memory and bits and such.     The nice high
level abstractions of pretty languages just seem to get in your way it
seems.     And Java is a real memory hog - a characteristic I'm sure any
java based language (such as scala) is going to share.

If you want to prototype then you are looking for something that probably
still fast and efficient but you are willing to give up some performance for
ease of programming - I'll bet you would like Scala if you took the time to
learn it.

- Don

On Fri, Aug 14, 2009 at 4:16 PM, Carter Cheng <carter_ch...@yahoo.com>wrote:

> I have been considering experimenting with Erlang as a means of prototyping
> certain aspects of a computer go program and I was curious if anyone has
> tried this already. How does a system like Erlang compare performance wise
> to writing something in say C/C++ (fastest) or Java?
> Thanks in advance,
> Carter.
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