On Fri, Aug 14, 2009 at 22:16, Carter Cheng<carter_ch...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> I have been considering experimenting with Erlang as a means of prototyping 
> certain aspects of a computer go program and I was curious if anyone has 
> tried this already. How does a system like Erlang compare performance wise to 
> writing something in say C/C++ (fastest) or Java?


I have started for some year ago to try to withe an Erlang library to
play go, but got distracted by other stuff.

Erlang has a lot of nice features, but in this particular instance
speed isn't one of them. The main issue is that there are no mutable
data structures, so for all processing there will be a lot of copying.
This is somewhat simplified, of course, but the conclusion still
holds. I don't have any hard numbers, it would depend very much upon
the choice of data structure.

Erlang would be good at coordinating work done by simple and fast
slaves, written in C for example. It would be very appropriate for a
distributed engine. The problem here is that the problem of
synchronizing a distributed UCT tree hasn't been solvet yet, to my

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