I tried CRAVE in my master thesis 4 years ago. The context was a
growing decision tree.
It didn't work as well.


On Fri, Sep 25, 2009 at 06:19, David Fotland <fotl...@smart-games.com> wrote:
>  Tried CRAVE also, using 3x3 patterns as the context.  It didn't work.
> David
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: computer-go-boun...@computer-go.org [mailto:computer-go-
>> boun...@computer-go.org] On Behalf Of Peter Drake
>> Sent: Thursday, September 24, 2009 12:00 PM
>> To: Computer Go
>> Subject: [computer-go] Generalizing RAVE
>> RAVE is part of a larger family of algorithms. In general we can use
>> direct Monte-Carlo results (i.e., the move played directly from a
>> node) to determine the probability of winning after playing such a
>> move. The generalized RAVE (GRAVE?) family does this by including
>> (usually with some discount) moves played on "similar" boards.
>> Different algorithms in this family count different boards as "similar":
>> Basic MCTS (i.e., UCT) without a transposition table counts no other
>> boards.
>> A transposition table counts "identical" boards, i.e., those with the
>> same stones on the board, player to move, simple ko point, and number
>> of passes.
>> AMAF counts all boards.
>> RAVE counts boards that follow the current board in a playout.
>> CRAVE (Context-dependent RAVE) counts boards where the neighborhood of
>> the move in question looks "similar". Dave Hillis discussed one
>> implementation for this. I tried another; it works better than plain
>> MCTS, but not as well as RAVE.
>> NAVE (Nearest-neighbor RAVE) counts some set of boards which have a
>> small Hamming distance from the current board. Literally storing all
>> board-move pairs is catastrophically expensive in both memory and time.
>> DAVE (Distributed RAVE) stores this information "holographically",
>> storing win/run counts for each move combined with each point/color
>> combination on the board. Thus, there are a set of runs for when a2 is
>> black, another for when e3 is vacant, and so forth. To find the values
>> for a particular board, sum across the points on that board. This is
>> too expensive, but by probing based on only one random point, I was
>> able to get something that beats MCTS (but not RAVE).
>> The following are left as exercises:
>> http://www.onelook.com/?loc=rz4&w=*ave&scwo=1&sswo=1
>> It's conceivable that some statistical machine learning technique
>> (e.g., neural networks) could be applied, with the playouts providing
>> data for the regression.
>> The more I study this and try different variants, the more impressed I
>> am by RAVE. "Boards after the current board" is a very clever way of
>> defining similarity. Also, recorded RAVE playouts, being stored in
>> each node, expire in an elegant way. It still seems that RAVE fails to
>> exploit some "sibling" information. For example, if I start a playout
>> with black A, white B, and white wins, I should (weakly) consider B as
>> a response to any black first move.
>> Peter Drake
>> http://www.lclark.edu/~drake/
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