It is exactly the same as my thought. I also have tried CRAVE, but the
results were worse than normal RAVE.

While RAVE is a very efficient algorithm, it strongly limits scalability
of the program. It typically makes a fatal mistake in the position that
the order of moves are important. We definitely need to improve RAVE,
but it is a very tough job.


I have a question about RAVE: it seems a little strange to me that all outcomes below the current position are just added up. Positions further down the tree are less similiar to the current position than those further up.
So shouldn't there be some kind of attenuation factor from level to level?

About the move order problem: I'm skeptical about finding an efficient full board algorithm that detects the consequences of move order. There is so much random noise, that finding a needle in a haystack seems inviting by comparison. Imo, move order will somehow have to be linked to the satisfaction of subgoals, i.e. defending/killing strings/groups.


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