> >If there are people interested in a ph.D. or a post-doc around Monte-Carlo
> >Tree Search, candidates are welcome (Monte-Carlo Tree Search, and not
> >necessarily / not only computer-go).
> Excuse me, but what press conference and where to ask?

People interested in a ph.D. or a post doc can contact me.

>This was during a press conference at Taipei around a French-Taiwanese
> grant
> >for joint research.
> but I can find no links even with Google.

I'll ask to the taiwanese people if there is something on the web about the
press conference. I was only there through
a video. I don't know if there is something on the web. This is
essentially for the launching of a France/Taiwan collaboration around
Monte-Carlo Tree Search, I guess there are not thousards of journalists from
tenths of countries interested in it :-)

Best regards,
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