Hi all,

If I may get out of lurking mode and try to understand the problem here...

IMHO there is another issue here that creates a difference and makes
the strategies for "normal go" and "hahn go" incomparable. I has been
touched upon by previous posters, but not spelled out.

Normal go strategy applies as-is to both a single game and to a whole
tournament. One plays the in the same way no matter what happens
outside the current game.

Hahn go strategy is only relevant for a tournament (otherwise one can
simply play normal go, it doesn't matter by how many points one wins).
And thus it includes a meta-strategy involving the results in the
other games and knowledge of one's opponents.

Using a hahn strategy in a single game or in a tournament that is
scored as normal go will probably yield worse performance, like it was
pointed out here before, because it requires more processing whose
results are then ignored.

Or am I missing something?

best regards,
computer-go mailing list

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