> It would be interesting to know how well Pachi scales on KGS against
> ranked humans vs a single core version.

Yes it would be interesting but it's a bit difficult to run this experiment.
The software and its parameters is constantly changing. We can't
create a new kgs bot for every new version or parameter change,
it wouldn't have enough time to get a rating. Also people escape
more often against bots, it takes time to get these escaped games
counted in favor of the bot.

Here is one comparison, but it's far from a good scientific experiment.
pachiIV and pachi2 on kgs are running exactly the same software or may be
differ by a few days. pachiV runs on 4 cores and is 3k. pachi2 runs on
different machines, from 15 to 23 cores, and is 2k. This would indicate
that scalability against humans is not as good as against bots. But again
this is not a scientific experiment.

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