> Robert, David Fotland has...
> I find your critique a little painful. 

I don't think Robert was critiquing - he was asking for David's
definition of group strength and connection strength.

> the "stupid" monte carlo works so much better.

Does it? I thought "stupid" monte carlo (i.e. light playouts MCTS) hits
a scalability wall at around 5kyu.

BTW, David, if you choose the CPU to suit it, can the traditional Many
Faces beat the best MCTS programs?

I find it interesting that monte-carlo needed a jump in CPU speed to
reach the point where we could see its usefulness. I wonder if there are
more traditional (*) techniques that got overlooked or abandoned 10
years ago because they were just too slow, which might now start to
become reasonable.

*: By "traditional" I guess I mean closer to the way humans approach the
game of go, thinking in terms of eyes, groups, connections, influence, etc.


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