Hi Detlef,

I have same number 1093 for 3x3 from 40000 pro games as symmetory
is same pattern. Each point has 4 types, empty, black, white and
out of board.

3x3 pattern is small. So recently I combined it with distance of
previous move. Each 3x3 pattern has 17 kinds of distance of previous
move. And by using Latent Factor Ranking, I got 40.2% accuracy from
38.8% by MM.

Latent Factor Ranking(LFR) is almost same as Factorization Machines.
And original paper's explanation is nice. I use LFR_K=5, and AdaGrad
to change learning rate. It is effective (Thanks to Kato-san).

My LFR test code.
Factorization Machines
Move Prediction in Go, Modelling Feature Interactions Using Latent Factors

Hiroshi Yamashita

----- Original Message ----- From: "Detlef Schmicker" <d...@physik.de>
To: <computer-go@computer-go.org>
Sent: Wednesday, November 04, 2015 3:17 AM
Subject: [Computer-go] Number of 3x3 patterns

I could not find the number of 3x3 patterns in Go, if used all symmetries.

Can anybody give me a hint, were to find. Harvesting 40000 games I get

Thanks, Detlef

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