Our paper "Combinatorics of Go" has some results on this,
in a rule system allowing suicide.
See http://tromp.github.io/go/gostate.pdf,
in particular Section 7 on Hamiltonian games.


On Thu, Nov 19, 2015 at 10:13 AM, Marc Landgraf <mahrgel...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> there is a question that lately crossed my mind. Considering an nxn Go
> board, no suicide allowed and with a rule that does not allow repetition of
> a position, unless caused by a single pass:
> What is the maximum number of board positions that can be run through in a
> single sequence starting from an empty board?
> Different wording: What is the maximum game length if not counting passes?
> It can easily be proven that for n>=3 this number must be lower than the
> number of legal positions. I didn't check for n=2, simple bruteforce would
> probably solve that.
> What happens to the ratio between the number of legal positions and the
> longest possible sequence with growing n?
> Is this already known? Or does anyone have a clue how to figure it out?
>  ~Marc
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