No, the main line is there, but it's labeled as a variation

the atari at J12 at move 73 is indicated as the main line in the sgf, and H10 as the variation

however, in the real game H10 was played

On 2016-04-16 5:26, djhbrown . wrote:
yes, it is an unusual configuration, deliberately so, because its
emphasis is on the thought processes of the commentators rather than
just the bland sequence of moves 1,2,3,4 etc; if you only want to see
the main line, you can find it on

in my sgf, the branches are organised by time and by logical
progression, so we can follow the thoughts of the commentators before
a move is played, and those they made afterwards, although sometimes i
have put postmatch comments before the main line, where they are
intended by the commentators to be tutorial in nature, so you can see
why the players chose the moves they did in context.

it's not hard to find the main line (the actual game); it's the
longest branch, which is easy to see if you have a tree viewer open on
the side.

i appreciate it would be hard to navigate in the dark without being
able to see the tree as well

On 16/04/2016, Igor Polyakov <> wrote:
it bothers me that the main line is not the main line

On 2016-04-15 23:35, djhbrown . wrote:
<> = Go talking software
(featuring coalesced expert commentaries on Alphago's mistake in game 4
and a suggestion for an enduser-useful variation network editor
student programming project)
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