> White can start one ladder as a ko threat to take back the middle ko, and 
> black will then take the top ko.

Thank you John for verifying the problem!

I claim that White cannot  use the ladders as a ko thread because:
- if W plays R4 as a ko threat then B responds with S4
- if next W takes a ko back on the board then B kills the group
locally by playing S6: the left ladder is no longer a ladder and if W
gets out of the right ladder then the bottom W group ends in 2
liberties and B can capture it

Is the above reasoning sound?


On 19 June 2018 at 08:52, John Tromp <john.tr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 19, 2018 at 3:52 AM, Marcel Crasmaru <crasma...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I've eventually managed to create a problem that should show a full
>> reduction from a Robson problem to Go - I hope is correct.
>> The Problem: 
>> https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tmClDIs-baXUqRC7fQ2iKzMRXoQuGmz2/view?usp=sharing
>> Black just captured in the marked ko. How should White play to save
>> the lower group?
> It looks like White needs to hold the middle ko and either top or
> bottom ko to make the ladders work.
> White can start one ladder as a ko threat to take back the middle ko,
> and black will then take the top ko.
> Now if white (possibly using another ladder ko threat) takes back
> either top or bottom ko, Black can retake
> the middle one and White has made no progress. So it looks like White
> is doomed?!
> regards,
> -John
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