It doesn't look that easy to me. Have you tried playing it against Erica?


On Sun, Dec 2, 2012 at 3:02 PM, Aja Huang <> wrote:
> In game 3 (Zen as W vs. So 8p), I don't understand why Zen didn't simply
> extend at G8 (move 24). That would be an easy win if Zen lived a group at
> that corner.
> Aja
> 2012/12/2 Hiroshi Yamashita <>
>> Hi,
>> Zen lost six games against pros in 9x9 on November 25.
>> Each three pros played two games, black and white.
>> I tried these six resignation positions by Aya 100k playouts.
>> Game, Winrate for Aya
>>   1    0.45   34th move, W to play, vs ICHIRIKI Ryo    2p
>>   2    0.33   53rd move, B to play, vs OHASHI Hirofumi 5p
>>   3    0.14   34th move, W to play, vs SO Yokoku       8p
>>   4    0.37   27th move, B to play, vs ICHIRIKI Ryo    2p
>>   5    0.56   34th move, W to play, vs OHASHI Hirofumi 5p
>>   6    0.27   51st move, B to play, vs SO Yokoku       8p
>> For Aya, game 1 and 5 are difficult.
>> Maybe we need to understand these losses with smaller playouts?
>> Official page(in Japanese)
>> Computer Go challenges pros in 9x9 part 2, fighting without gloves.
>> sgf (player's info updated)
>> Newspaper report. (in Japanese)
>> Pros won all games against computer in 9x9.
>> Following is abstract.
>> Computers strength is close to pros in 9x9. But pros made position
>> difficult intentionally, computer made mistakes and lost.
>> Zen almost won its first game, but W 18th, 20th were deep reading
>> moves, and saved the game. From this game result, pros guessed
>> "If we make one difficult space, computer might be rough on the
>> other side.". So Ohashi 5 pro made a few ko-ish shapes in his
>> first game, and he didn't start ko soon. Ohashi played two 9x9
>> games against Zen this March. It was 1 win 1 loss. He said
>> "I have studied well and played thinking of Zen's behavior."
>> (He has written artilces about 9x9 Go in Japanese Go Journal.)
>> Another report in Chinese, I can't read though.
>> Regards,
>> Hiroshi Yamashita
>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Hideki Kato" <>
>> To: <>
>> Sent: Monday, November 26, 2012 7:31 AM
>> Subject: Re: [Computer-go] Zen beat Ha,Yongil 5p with 4 stones (Re: TAAI
>> details?)
>>> Thank you Hiroshi.
>>> The names of the players are swapped, sorry all.
>>> The games were:
>>> 1) Ichiriki 2p (B) vs Zen,
>>> 2) Ohashi 5p (W) vs Zen,
>>> 3) So 8p (B) vs Zen,
>>> 4) Ichiriki 2p (W) vs Zen,
>>> 5) Ohashi 5p (B) vs Zen,
>>> 6) So 8p (W) vs Zen.
>>> The time setting was: 20 min main time and 30 second for every move (no
>>> extra byo-yomi).  Chinese rules and 7.0 komi were used.  Zen's hardware was
>>> 4 pc cluster (12, 6, 6 and 6 cores) at 4 GHz, same as TAAI and Zen19D/S on
>>> KGS.
>>> Professinals used much longer time than Zen; more than 20 min in four
>>> games of six while Zen used 10 or 15 min for all games.  Sometime they
>>> thought more than 5 min (upto 10) for a move, move 11 of the first game for
>>> example.  On the first game, Zen would play J4 (hane) next at move 16 (cut)
>>> but actually played G3 and went into "Sekito-shibori (two stone edge
>>> squeeze)" course.  Either showed about 80% winrate but Ichiriki 2p said J4
>>> could lead a safer win for W.  Actually Zen had sure chances to win; hard
>>> luck.
>>> Zen had chances to draw in some games in Black but selected much risky
>>> (actually losing) moves.  I guess this caused by implementing draws by
>>> adding a third value, 0.5, to UCB.  To play a draw move, all better looking
>>> moves (by prior) have to be refused, or proved worse than 0.5.  This could
>>> take pretty long time in some positions.  #Faking komi to 6.5 might help but
>>> a better solution possible?
>>> Hideki
>>> Hiroshi Yamashita: <313F02D8CF2F41D6AD89D1A42486DD59@x60>:
>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> The game records can be downloaded from
>>>>>> .
>>>>> I can not read that format. Can someone please translate it into
>>>> I changed it to zip.
>>>> I was impressed So Yokoku 8p comment,
>>>> "Zen is apt to make a mistake when we make two places that may
>>>> become ko. It makes game complex. Actual playing ko makes game simple."
>>>>> Didn't it win the first game?
>>>> Sgf's player color is wrong. Black is Ichiriki 2p in first game.
>>>> Zen lost all 6 games.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Hiroshi Yamashita
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>>> Hideki Kato <>
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