Quoting "Richard P." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

What is the proper/best sequence to get the music into iTunes so that
it will stay there?
WinXP, iTunes

Well, to start with, an exclamation point means that iTunes couldn't find the tune in the location that it's looking. So if you copied your file to "My music" told iTunes where it was, then moved it, then it can't find it any more. Unless you have iTunes organizing your iTunes folder, it just copies the location, and leaves the file in place.

What you probably want to do is have iTunes keep your iTunes folder organized. In Windoze, it's: Edit>Preferences>Advanced tab>General. Make sure that "Keep iTunes Music folder organized" is checked. That will move any file(s) that you want to add to your iTunes library to your iTunes folder (which you can specify if you want to keep it on an external drive), and put it into the proper sub-folders.

You don't need to import each song one at a time. You can grab whole folders to import. (It's an Apple product. Of course it's smart enough to do that.)


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