I'm thinking of giving an ebook reader to someone who loves reading
books and takes Metro to work.   I'm trying to choose between the
Sony Reader, Amazon's Kindle, or waiting.  Any experiences, concerns,
or suggestions to share?  TIA.

I hate ebooks.

I travel a lot. I carry paperback books. They drop. They get wet. They fall in mud, dirt, get lost under the seat in cars, buses, planes, trains. When I finish reading my book, I give it to someone else, and pick up another. Many small hotels, inns, apartments outside the US have a library where you leave your finished books and pick up one you like. Our local public library [Cecil County, MD] has a free magazine exchange and used paperback books for 10-25 cents.

Wet paperbacks can dry out. Wet ebooks die. I trade paperback books with other readers. I'd have to refill an ebook and couldn't share it and have something to read at the same time. I've never had an ebook on the beach, but I suspect they're hard to read in the sun, and don't do well in sand [?].

Be sure that the person who will potentially receive the ebook really wants one and realizes its features and limitations. Otherwise the ebook will end up spending more time on a shelf or in a drawer, or broken. For electronic books, I prefer unabridged audiobooks on my iPod.

My 2 cents.


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