Tom Piwowar wrote:
Bad news. Your browser test looks almost exactly like mine and nothing looks wrong. I have an older version of Shockwave (10.1 vs. 10.2) and newer version of QuickTime (7.04 vs. 7.2) than you do. That does not explain your YouTube problem.

Does anyone see anything amiss in this report?

BTW, YouTube uses Flash to play videos. That is why I am focusing on your Flash settings.

What happens when you go to the Flash test page?
I see the flash window animation OK.  The shockwave player region is blank.

When I first visited the site, a message said that the computer had to be rebooted to install shockwave player. I rebooted and the web site reported that the shockwave player was successfully installed. Still blank for shockwave player. I then downloaded shockwave player and installed. Still blank.

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