On Wed, 2 Jul 2008, Steve Rigby wrote:
On Jul 2, 2008, at 12:43 PM, Janaki Kuruppu wrote:
So, does someone have a scientific explanation for _why_ freezing works??

And, should you spin the drive up while still "frozen," or allow it to "thaw?"

As someone who has successfully used this technique, no, I did not let it
thaw. I put it in the zip-lock baggy, put it in the freezer overnight.
Then took it out of the freezer, out of the zip-lock, then connected it
to a different computer as a secondary drive and booted it up. Then I was
able to copy all the needed data off it (I did it in order of priority,
getting most important data off first, in case it died again).

Vicky Staubly       http://www.steeds.com/vicky/        [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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