On Jul 7, 2008, at 1:01 PM, Rev. Stewart Marshall wrote:

Every time I have flown you must take your laptop out of the bag and put into one of those bins.

  That is the procedure.

From what I read in the article it seems many folks forget to pick their laptop back up, and then proceed not to ask for it or search for it.


It sounds more like forgetfulness, than theft.

Initially it is likely to be forgetfulness. What occurs afterwards could well be theft.

I am sure later on those laptops are sold via auction and some ones insurance company is shelling out for a new laptop.

Unless it is someone's personal computer. Also, many computers owned by corporations carry stickers or labels on them that identify the owner. Are you suggesting that TSA or other entities at airports would not even go to the trouble of contacting the owner if said owner is that easily identifiable?

Items left at TSA check points do not go into Airport Lost and Found.

And why not, I ask? It isn't like a forgotten laptop is the same as an item that has been confiscated. How mean spirited can one get? Is this more of our all-too-humorless law enforcement?


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