Since my wife and run a small non-profit on the side, I thought that I should speak up. We use Macs! We had Macs before we started the non-profit, so why should we buy a PC. In the early days we had to run softwindows because our accountant wanted us to use "QuickBooks" and the Mac version could not be saved as a Windows file. Once we could save our Mac "QuickBooks" as a Windows file there was no need for SoftWindows. (I do now have Virtual PC on my G4, just in case someone sends us an Access or Publisher file.) My point is that I think it is what kind of computer, the person starting/running the small business/non-profit is comfortable with that they use. I would not be surprised if the brake down for small non-profits is similar to the brake down for the general public for the type of computer used.


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