I receive the list messages as individual plain text messages -- no fonts, 
formatting, embedded graphics.  By "just a diatribe" do you mean that you are 
receiving messages in _digest_ format, i.e., one message a day with all of the 
day's messages concatenated into one message?  Look at the URL in the standard 
trailer for this list for instructions for getting out of digest mode.

Fred Holmes

At 09:03 PM 11/12/2008, RLeeSimon wrote:
>list had to be resubscribed cuz i gota new email address...so now it comes
>as a text mail ...do I want it in mime format ...before outlook shows each
>entry on a list so I can open individually ...now it's just a diatribe ...I
>sent the mime command in to the server ...will that fixit?

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